System Advantages


The architecture of distributed ledger technologies brings to life the secure and immutable database structure that allows the handling of monetary assets. However, the technology comes with downsides as well. Compared to global online financial services providers like PayPal or Visa, legacy blockchains - Binance Smart Chain and Bitcoin - still demonstrate poor performance in cost-effectiveness and transaction speeds. As blockchain adoption grows, and more and more people hold cryptocurrencies, tokens, and make transactions daily, activity on the blockchain naturally keeps increasing. If the throughput remains similar to what it is now, we witness time and time again, the steady clogging up of transactions and the further skyrocketing of transaction fees. Major legacy blockchains are again close to reaching their scaling limits, and without the ability to come to a consensus, the proposed scaling solutions seem to be almost beyond the horizon.

The Raccoon Ecosystem nation-state’s active governance, combined with the benevolent expert judgement of the Raccoon Ecosystem Board-of-Experts, can together adjust the blockchain protocol’s internal parameters without a hard fork (adjusting: block size, block propagation time, block reward, tx fees) so scaling to meet the demand is likely never going to be a problem for Raccoon Ecosystem

BNB Cross-Compatibility

Since the beginning of Raccoon Ecosystem, cross-compatibility with Binance Smart Chain was one of the leading protocol design principles. Raccoon Ecosystem and Binance Smart Chain share many features in protocol and architecture. Smart contracts and DApps wrote to run on Binance Smart Chain, also work on Raccoon Ecosystem - similarly to DApps.At the moment, the Raccoon Ecosystem team is unable to forecast whether it is going to be possible for the network to remain in full backwards compatibility with Binance Smart Chain. However, Raccoon Ecosystem is committed to remaining fully compatible with Binance Smart Chain, for as long as it can.


Due to the shared origins with Binance Smart Chain, Raccoon Ecosystem is fully compatible with all Binance Smart Chain Token Standards. Via the Raccoon Ecosystem Tokenisation web application, Users can generate custom tokens with unique parameters and with superb ease of use. Contrary to Binance Smart Chain’s dev-heavy token deployment process, creating custom tokens is easy as filling a form, and no technical skills or coding is required.

Identity Assessment

User Rating - Raccoon Ecosystem makes it possible to leave a feedback rating (1-5 stars) on addresses after transacting.Ratings are permanently stored on-chain and can be publicly viewed from both the wallet application and the Raccoon Ecosystem explorer itself. Ratings can be later edited, but that the original rating will remain visible as “edited”. •

User Scoring - Each address is assessed and given a score based on address activity. Scoring incentivises good behaviour and reputation building, and allows parties to make educated assumptions on their prospective clients and partners. Scoring is stored on-chain and can be publicly viewed from both the wallet application and the Raccoon explorer

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